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Practice Advice

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Two things are helping me reduce anxiety about making progress. First, rather than put my practice log entry into the website directly, I keep it off line. I duplicate what I write on the site by pasting in the part where I fill in how I feel and my progress. This makes me feel that I can take my time and write what I observe more easily.


The second thing I do is write my local log as close to when I practice as I can, so I don't forget what I observed. 


My local practice log has the same questions as the online one. I am organizing my practice logs on my computer with file names organized by date, so I can look back through them and attempt to spot trends. I have thought of creating a Google sheet and sorting by various categories, but I don't want to make the log entry too complex for now, because I want to cultivate the habit of hitting my practice goals and writing my log entry every single time I practice. I can move on from there if I wish.

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