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Ragtime Style - 100 h in 100 days

Sebastian SIMIAN

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100 h in 100 days

my challenge for the Ragtime style is for me and those of you who really want to perform this style

I do this challenged because in this way I know I can not give up.

If you really want to be able to play this style you have to work a lot harder than these 100 hours of exercise I know, but it's a promising start, I say.

Learn All the Ragrolls + Ornaments from Jonny May + Johnny Hodges who find them in Ragtime lessons

I am determined to play this style in a short time, at a decent tempo. (150-160 BPM)

At first I was very frustrated that I was not in a position to sing it, so starting with November 09, 2019, 23:00, I started with these exercises and until now I did 1 hour / day.

After 17 days (17 actual hours of study) I feel much better and I no longer feel tension in my hands

After this session I will start with the songs and try to apply what I have learned

hashtag - #100h100dayragtime

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On 1/14/2020 at 10:55 AM, Ido B said:

What a cool challenge, Sebastian!!

hard to achieve, I had a few moments when it was almost not to do because my back hurt and other reasons but I pulled hard and I am satisfied so far.
at the beginning of the year I was hospitalized for 6 days with children and I could not do, I have less of it and I finish, in fact I am in the 80th day (74 hours) but I am very satisfied with what I have achieved so far.
I almost can't believe it, but hey, that's it! 😀


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, 😀

It all started after I was frustrated that I can't execute certain passages from different examples executed by Jonny so easily.

Last days I finished this challenge and I am very happy with what I have achieved.

Until day 74 I did it daily without interruption.

Although out of the 100 days I proposed, I managed to do 87 days in total, that means 87 hours actually played these rag-roll.

There was a lot of obstacles, including fatigue and probably I could have given up after a few days from the beginning of the challenge.

The major reason when I interrupted is because I was hospitalized with the children and after returning home I couldn't manage to do them constantly.

Of the 6 exercises in Johnny Hodges' lesson, the heaviest was no. 2 triplet rag roll and no. 6 ornaments.

The maximum speed and accuracy we have come up with is not all the same:
Forward Rag Roll - 220 BPM
Reverse Rag Roll - 220 BPM
8 th Rag Roll - 180 BPM
Rag Roll Triplet - 180 BPM
Rag Roll Triplet + Right Hand jumps (exercise 2) - 160 BPM
Ornaments - 160 BPM
I will continue to do them from time to time 15 min./day for maintenance, but also for accuracy and speed.

Problems solved with these exercises:

- feeling of tension and pain in the hands (no longer exist)
- dizziness (no more)
- frustration (no more)
- trust (now very confident)
- fear, that I will never be able to play this style (no more)


Chalange: #100h100dayragtime

Status: Done! 😀👍

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