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#justimprov -- Improvisation Challenge


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We're starting an improvisation challenge!

Anyone who is interested in getting better at improv in 2022, let's get an early start on that goal 🙂

You can post your playing (either here and/or over on the FB page), along with any info that is applicable, like if you used a PWJ course or quick tip, what key you are in, the LH chords and what scale you're using in the RH, etc. When you post, use the hashtag #justimprov.

As we go along, let's meet here to chat about techniques, struggles, ideas, etc.  If you don't post (it's optional, of course), please do still come here to chat with other improv-ers 🙂

Who is in? Thanks for joining me!! --Elisa-

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Sharon

I'm so glad you want to join in this challenge! I'm pretty tech challenged, so I don't know how to transfer voicememos.   I tried to post my one contribution (so far) to #justimprov on this thread but it was too big and wouldn't work. There have been several people posting for the challenge on FaceBook, but I see no one has posted here yet. Darn -- I'm sorry! Couple solution ideas:

If you would like to post here, make a recording using your phone's camera, then transfer it to your computer (using airdrop) and then choose it from "choose files" below. It should be short, so it is under 48 MB

I will see if I can make a shorter version of my improv, or record a new short one (get it under 48 MB) and see if I can post it here.

I know there are lots of folks who don't want to have anything to do with FB -- I only do PWJ with my FB account, and that has suited me well. There's a lot of sharing that goes on over there, and lots of support from other members.

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Thanks, Elisa, For responding.  I will try your suggestion, and maybe have my techo son help me out.  It took me a bit of searching in the Water Cooler just to find your thread about the challenge, but happy day, I finally did locate you. Yes, FB is a struggle, because I know I am missing out on so much support and encouragement from others.  It could also gobble up a lot of time too, so for now, I am just trying to be more consistent with the lessons from the Learning Track.  I do spend a lot of time on original compositions, as that seems to be a real passion for me. I hope to post something one of these days.  Thanks  for your encouragement! Keep pushing forward, Elisa!

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Hi Sharon -- nice to hear from you again, and I do hope you can figure out a way to post some improv on here. I'm about to leave again and be without strong internet for a while, and I never did get a chance to try to make a shorter improv film -- sorry! Yes, FB with PWJ is pretty amazing  . . . and when I spend time on there, at least it feels very positive, because the banter and chatting is always very positive. But I understand wanting to stay away from FB altogether! Glad we could connect on here at any rate 🙂

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Hi Sharon and Elisa,

If you want to share here a video (or an audio file) that is heavier than 48mb, you could upload it on youTube (unlisted if you want some privacy) and share the link here 🙂

I also use FB only for PWJ and wish everything could happen here (where everything is neatly organized), but there are so many video, they would need a huge amount of space to host all of them !

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Thanks, Patrick, for listening and responding in such an encouraging way.  This is my very first try at sharing anything with the PWJ community.  I'm so appreciative of Jonny, his platform and team, for all the wonderful members, and this amazing opportunity to continue learning, growing and dreaming.  I hope you will post something, Patrick,  I would love to listen. 

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Hi Sharon -- it worked!! And your playing is absolutely gorgeous. I love how your improv moved and changed, but you still had a recurring theme. Just marvelous. Since I couldn't see you, can you share what chords you used, and what scale? I'm working on ear training but I'm not that advanced yet 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your art. I really enjoyed it.

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Thanks, Elisa! Wow! You don't know how much your kind words mean to me, since I have never shared anything before with PWJ. Bolsters my confidence, so thank you again.  Since this song was improv and I have nothing written down, I had to go back and give a listen.  So this is what I have come up with.  Not very good with music theory, so I don't really know if this is in the key of C or Dm.  But let's assume I am in the key of C,  starting with a Dm,  G7, (with emphasis on the B note in the R hand) key change to F, with a Gm9, C7, back to key of C with a Dm, G7.  Progression in Key of C is a II-V, in key of F is also a II-V. If you question any of this, please let me know, as I may very well have notated it wrongly.

It sure is a lot harder to explain this in writing! Hope this helps.  I look forward to hearing your improv and others as well.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sharon -- thanks so much for spelling out what you did in your improv! I thought I would get notifications if anyone posted on here, so my apologies for the very late response (I didn't get a notification!). I hope you have continued with your improv. Several people have been posting their improv over on FB. I'm so glad you were able to share your beautiful improv here! 

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Hi Elisa

Thanks for taking the time to respond.  As much as you encouraged me to try FB, even with a fake name, It just doesn't seem like I will be doing that at this time.  The down side is I miss hearing so many great accomplishments from members, and I also do not get feedback for myself. I continue to look for other options, and routinely check the Forum/Water Cooler, try to encourage new members and be as involved there as I can.  It's not the same as the bigger audience at FB for sure, but I do gain satisfaction from the small sliver of response I occasionally get from other members. It would be a joy to listen to your improv , if you wouldn't mind posting it here in this.  

I will post a new song I recently composed.  The initial theme melody comes from a Korean pop ballad I love.  I basically just took about two measures of it, and then built my own variation around it. (So it is quite different from the original) Key of F

Thanks for getting back with with.  That was sweet.

Park Won’s Look At Me _ a original variation.m4a

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 Sharon this is such a beautiful composition!! My husband and I listened to it together and had a relaxing moment, just appreciating your lovely music 🙂 Very creative, and lovingly played. Thanks for posting! And as much as you encouraged me to figure out how to post on here, I have not figured that out yet. But there is one way for you to hear at least my blues improv -- my husband has a youtube channel under his name, Jim Casbarian.  it's just for ourselves and a few friends, and you are welcome to have a look. If I ever get one of my more "new age" improvs posted there, I will let you know! I'm glad you are finding at least some contact and encouragement from other students on the member forums.



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Hi Elisa

Thanks for sharing the You Tube Channel: that was so much fun to watch you two. Amazing! Such talent!  I just loved it, and what fun to have such a fabulous harmonica player playing along with your also amazing improv!  You two should have a gig somewhere, but maybe you already do?  Very encouraging to see this.  I watched all of them too.

Thank you for your sweet words about my song.  

Keep pressing on!

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Thank you Sharon! You are very encouraging. No, we don't play out at all -- just jam with friends. Jim has actually performed in the past, but I am not up to that level yet. Yes I am very lucky to have such a talented husband! We have fun 🙂

And yes, keep on keepin' on!


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