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April 2021 Member Spotlight - Kat Marie

Katie Rushing

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Hi PWJ Members! 

This month's spotlight goes to..........

Kat Marie! :classic_biggrin:  @Kat M

Please join me in congratulating her!


Where are you from?
Born and raised in the Philippines (Bacolod City).  

When did you start playing piano?
6 years old. 

What got you interested in learning music?
I'm not really sure.  I remember being 6 years old and all I wanted to do was play the piano, sing, and dance and I begged my parents for all the lessons.

What is your favorite style of piano music?
I really do love all styles, it's hard to pick!!!  But if I were to pick a favorite, it would be neo soul and R&B (I keep checking the PWJ page for R&B courses...possible to request this?!? :) ) 

Do you have any favorite pieces to play?
Whatever I'm currently working on is usually my favorite.... I can't get enough of it until I master it!  But all time favorites would be Fantasie Impromptu and Claire de Lune because they have a special place in my heart.  Fantasie Impromptu was my last recital piece in high school before I said goodbye to my piano teacher as I moved away for college.  Claire de Lune is my aunt's favorite and my aunt is the one who raised me.  Playing that piece always makes her happy which makes me so happy that I can make her smile! 

What has most helped you most in improving as a pianist?
This platform.  Before PWJ, even though I was already teaching, I kind of put my own practice aside.  But being a part of an amazing community plus having really great courses to choose and learn from has given me so much fire and passion to seriously devote time to my own practice.  And then just consistency in practicing is what helps me improve.  I guess to sum it up, Community and Consistency are the two things that have helped me the most!

Do you have any tips for other PWJ members?
Stay the course!  Small consistent action always leads to great rewards.  Be inspired by others who are ahead of you but don't compare yourself to them.  Your own journey is beautiful.  

What is your favorite part of the PWJ Membership?
Hands down the community and the atmosphere and learning culture that Jonny and all of you have cultivated.  I love how supportive and how passionate and eager to learn everyone is.  I love seeing everyone make strides and grow with their playing and how we're all just taking it at our own pace while also being so inspired and challenged. 

What are your future music goals?
I'd like to perform live someday whether that's an online live show or in person.  It's been so long since I've actually performed as a pianist.  I'd love to grow my Katz Keys YouTube channel.  I'm still not sure how that will take shape.  All I know for now is I enjoy making the piano videos and I enjoy teaching all my students, especially the kids.  

Do you have any words you try to live by or a favorite quote?"
Faithful over little, ruler much."  And I don't mean much in material gain.  I like the "much" when it comes to the richness and quality of relationships and in the depth of influence we can have in this world.  I want to be able to teach many kids piano in a way I wasn't taught growing up and to show them that improv/composition and arranging are all things they can do even while they're 6 years old.  But to do that, I also have to be faithful with the little things I'm learning and developing myself.  I have to be faithful over that one chord progression I'm learning over and over again to master it before I move forward.  

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