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Let's talk PASSION

anthony m

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So.... let's talk PASSION!

The GREATEST feeling in the world is just that- passion. Not the 'oh my god, that's exactly what I want' kind of passion, no no. I'm talking REAL passion- the kind that RUNS through your blood and can IGNITE the neurons in your brain that all scream out, LET"S DO THIS.🔥 Not only do we naturally want to do EVERYTHING in our power to MAKE it our goal, vision, and finally- our destination, but what oftentimes ends up happening is this..... We tend to overthink our decisions. ALL. THE. TIME. And as we all know, that doesn't help us out in the long run, now does it. . . ? MAKE the decision. KEEP the goal on the front lines. P-R-E-P-A-R-E yourself for the BIGGEST SHOW OF YOUR LIFE!💪 Because from here on out, it's gonna be you, your goal, and W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R it takes to get there! That's true passion. If you find it difficult to focus on your goal- knowing it will take a LONG time to get there, YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. Do you hear me? So many of us want instant gratification, but a goal- however big or small, doesn't come easy. So, knowing this, I DARE you to be BOLD enough to take a step back, REFOCUS your thoughts, decide, commit, and succeed at whatever it is you want to accomplish! We need to have FAITH in ourselves people, which is also called..... 💪PAS🔥S🔥ION!!!💪

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Well said, Anthony!!

I think with goals it's important to set short term goals and long term goals.  With me, if I don't set short term goals that I can achieve in a week or two, I lose some of the motivation to strive for my long term goals.  I don't need instant gratification, but some gratification along the way to acknowledge my progress, otherwise it's easy to lose steam and let the fire burn out!        

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