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Philippe D

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Hi from Belgium.

Not that many links between "Belgium" and "piano" , that I can think of now, but we are just a small country ( 11m inhabitants)

Oh yes, there is a very famous (classical) music contest, the  Queen Elisabeth Competition

In summer, there are of course so many festivals and music related events.  "Tomorrowland" is one the most famous, but that's more Dance/EDM

The history of Jazz in Belgium starts with the instrument maker Adolphe Sax, whose saxophone became part of military bands in New Orleans around 1900 and would develop into the jazz instrument par excellence.

The Belgian jazz history yielded many internationally known jazz musicians and composers such as the harmonica player and guitarist Toots Thielemans, guitarist Philip Catherine and the gypsy jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.

Regards to all of you.

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